Monitor HAProxy via PRTG

Monitoring HAProxy ( is somewhat hard to do. Yes, we have nice web/stats interface, but watching the web interface can be fun for an hour or two, but after that… You have to find a better solution. Company where I work uses PRTG Network Monitor ( that provides EXE/XML Custom sensors which allow you to […]

Splitting monolithic HAProxy configuration into more manageable form

As soon as you have more than a few frontend, backend and listen directives in your HAProxy config thing get crowded in that single monolithic file. There are few possible solutions to this “problem”, like this python solution, or maybe using multiple config files and specifying them with -f when starting haproxy ( While there […]

Overcoming Centrify Express for Linux restrictions

In their latest release Centrify has added some restrictions to their, up until now, great product. Changes are listed here where they state this. Centrify Express for UNIX/Linux and Centrify Express for Mac no longer support access controls. We made this change to clearly delineate between the intended premium versus free features. While I […]